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Monday, January 11, 2010

new year - new stuff!

I have been trying to find time to work on a website for the 'band' (its just me and Mike, hard to call it a 'band' ya know?) at 5SKS.com - still very much a work in progress. We are always working on new material though, and its hopefully going to be a way to share the music at one place, instead of dozens like it is now.

Happy New Year :-) www.5sks.com


also - thanks to mininova.org for allowing 5SKS to release the 2009 demo CD for free as an MP3 album. We've had over 15,000 people from all over the world download and have gotten a lot of comments (mostly good) and look forward to putting another record out very soon.

download it free here as a torrent (100% legal - its ours - we are giving it to you free) here http://www.mininova.org/tor/3189646

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