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Friday, October 22, 2010

The California Earthquake Conspiracy

Do you really think its random coincidence that the State of California had a big earthquake drill the SAME DAY there is a 6.9 earthquake in the Gulf of California? Do you?!?!

HAARP - The California Earthquake Conspiracy

I am going to have to make that youtube video this weekend - BIG things coming - changes affecting the entire planet will begin by the end of 2010 - are you ready?

Freak Tide - Indie Rock Music Video - 5SKS

UFO or halo clouds over Moscow explained - official explanation by a Russian Scientist

The vincedelgato Show - Episode One

The vincedelgato Show - Episode Two

The vincedelgato Show - Episode 3 - HAARP Typhoon Megi California Earthquake

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Crazy Dreams in Crazy Times

Been up since about 5am - can't sleep - crazy dreams. They're coming, I know this.

People don't/won't understand about this so I do not really tell anyone I "know" - How do you explain, and not sound insane, that aliens are coming and there is NOTHING we can do about it.

The shredded wheat side of my brain tells me that this cannot be, there is no proof, a conspiracy this large could not be kept secret. Some scientist somewhere would tell someone. Maybe so and maybe not - the frosted side of my brain speaks with a peaceful voice telling me you know what you know - like that inner-deep-knowing that your Mom loves you or that going to the DMV will suck.

Its tormenting me musically. I am sick of doing songs about the end of the world and aliens. No body listens anymore - nobody cares if it all stops tomorrow.

Life of a prophet, pfft.

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