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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oh what a night! Its like Christmas without all the driving!

The polls have been closed in Florida for a little less than an hour (except, I guess, in the Pensacola area?) and its neck and neck.

Giuliani either was the most ill-advised candidate in history, or he’s got a reality show in the works and just did this for kicks. I still say he will make a media darling come election time, when he’s running on September 11th and has no real policy/decision factor in the ultimate decision. I mean, the guy is pretty likeable. Just ask half the hookers in Manhattan ;-)

Just kidding Rudy! Please don’t sick Bernard Kerik on me!

My boy came in last. Again. Didn’t play well with the old folks, I guess. Oh well, they’ll all be dead in a few years anyway (man! I am being a jerk huh!)

Mike’s gotta be getting out soon. Don’t he? Too bad, in a way. Huckabee’s not got great demographic reach. He’s just too much a victim of being identified, by the media, as “Former Pastor” instead of “Former Governor of Arkansas” – oh! He’s giving his speech now – hot getting out! He’s now saying things like “Mizzur-uh!”

OK I am back, Mike’s fun to watch. He’ll make a fine commissioner of baseball one day I’m sure.

So Mitt and Mac are 35-32 in favor of McCain and its been that way all night. 47% in as I type and still 35-32.

Calling each other the “L” word? Guys! What the heck is that all about? (ooh Huckabee just said “Mizzur-uh!” again!) Calling a fellow Republican liberal, even if its just a generality, is like calling Dick Cheney “cutsie” – it just shouldn’t happen. Sure, gay guys call each other the ‘other f word’ and some black people bafflingly refer to each other with the “N” word, but LIBERAL?

Here I was all worried about the Dems self-destructing (turned out it was just Bill, imagine that? I told him, “Bill you can’t cold-quit McDonald’s or your blood sugar goes wacky and next thing you know its you who’s blowing interns” but he never listens. Damn hippie ;-)

Hillary’s now kicked ass in Michigan and Florida and neither of them give her a single stinkin’ delegate. She’s gotta have a team of the best lawyers in the galaxy studying statue and precedent right now figuring out how to get them back on.

Barack and Edwards were elsewhere, so the results are not “telling” necessarily, but it will look GREAT in the headlines to the rest of the country who gets our say in a week.

I can’t believe this race. Its awesome. The intensity level is so high, so early, so often that its just riveting. Giuliani’s leaking that he’ll endorse McCain, now McCain’s side’s confirming in the media.

Can Mitt recover if he loses Florida? He’s got loads of cash, but he’s gotta get a good bump soon or he’ll lose the battle of momentum. But its still too close to call. 51% in and its now 36-31 for Old Mac. If he can’t close by 60 – he’s gonna have to give a speech.

McCain will get to have the pep rally.

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