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Monday, January 28, 2008

From mid-January 2008

So this thing with the Clinton law suit... caucuses being held in casinos, casino union backing Obama, Bill gettin huffy... WTF?!?!

I really think its going to be an Obama/Richardson ticket. Bill Richardson has a TON of foreign policy experience, hell he's worked with the North Koreans, and they will say Obama lacks experience in that area (IMHO of course).

The chances of a Clinton Obama partnership seems, to me, impossible at this point. Its not the candidates, honestly, I think, that have flung the muck, its their supporters and the media WON'T STOP ASKING EVERYONE about it (liberal media my ass. Sorry but the marketing folks know which way the wind's been blowing) so these offhand comments by staffers are being lathered up into a frenzied dirty pool story.

It pisses me off! We live in the greatest country on earth. We are richer and more powerful than any other 'superpower' has ever been and the fate of mankind, literally, could be decided by the person who wins this election (because I can't imagine the neocons and the hawks will push HEAVY for giving Iran a good punch in the back of the head before W goes back to Crawford) and we can't get good juice from any of the major networks. They cover it like a golf tournament (which, in a sick way, its kinda like a golf thingy, if you think of all the old white men who hate everything with knickers on and what not) where the candidates are 'filmed' doing shit but not really allowed to have a good sit down with any viewer who cared to listen for 20 minutes or so.

(wow! look at me go ranting about!)

And that leads me to the Republicans, who, god help us all, are probably going to retake the house (Pelosi.. why Nancy, Why Armenian genocide 't'day?!?!'), the Senate, and I really think, the White House.

The Democrats have taken their already fractured base, gotten it excited and motivated, and then confused the fuck out of it with infighting to the point where we've actually got candidates who won't be able to work together to unite the core support, and really inflict change, vision, and hope.

The Republicans have kept to what they know best, the "War on Terror" that trumps fiscal responsibility and common sense at times, but sells like hell in the Wal Mart. They're playing with a loaded deck, I think.

Now some will say I am a conspiracy theorist and what not, but I think Dick Cheney's not going to just "retire" come January 2009. I think Karl left to get away from scrutiny. The private sector doesn't have to give press conferences unless they wanna. He's already layed out plans, I think, for something big.

Could attacking Iran be the thing that tips the scales?

Could a summer spike in gas prices drive the public to demand stability in The Gulf and if Iran hassled any more of our ships... well George did warn them not to do that again.

The very mention of an anniversary attack come fall could rekindle a lot of emotion, especially if Rudy is on the ticket.

And the prospect of an older, seasoned military man who would kick some ass, but not torture or anything too evil because he was, after all, a prisoner of war. (and with God as my witness, I am not trying to make light, in any way, the heroic service and horrific experiences John McCain went through in Vietnam. He's amazing to me, as a success story and as a person. but...) That being said I don't like him. He's angry. Why hasn't he addressed what Bush did to him in South Carolina in 2000? Was he promised the backing of the Big Powers? Because they are out there and they loooove the military-industrial complex. Ike was onto something.

And I think Karl and Dick are leading the charge.

I know, I know, McCain and Cheney in bed together, it gets me hot too ;-)

This isn't to say that Hillary or Barack would get us out of the Middle East, should they get elected, because I think they are beholden to a lot of the same people, just with two separate, very large bank accounts. One for the left and one for the right. I believe that both Clinton and Obama would work towards getting the United States out of Iraq (We won't be leaving Afghanistan for a looong time. At least until the dust settles from the Bhuto assassination. I think) FASTER than a Republican would (save my boy, Dr. Ron Paul. The best man for the job, IMHO of course) but they probably wouldn't be able to do it within their first term, so they couldn't run for re-election on it, and since no one would do all of this for just one, measly, term in office, they are already game-planning years ahead, and won't commit to anything now that is going to bite them in the ass in 4 years. But they were the two and THEY have allowed their supporters to start throwing mud on each others' shoes.

If I had the ear of Obama or Clinton, I'd say, "look here you putz! Goover there and kiss and make up and hold babies aloft, together! Invite the media to a sit-down, with a small table for two, maybe some coffee and those cigar shaped cookies they have. Show the country that, despite what the media might report, they are both committed to the betterment of the country and above all want to defeat the Republicans come November and they kiss and hug some more, laugh a little, cry a bit (maybe do a

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