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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Solar Flares in 2012

2012 may bring the “perfect storm” – solar flares, systems collapse

Long scorned as “mysticism” and “parascience,” concern about the year 2012 has now surfaced in a mainstream NASA report on the potential impacts on human society of solar flares anticipated to peak in 2012. The Obama administration and other national governments are not aggressively focused on contingency preparations for the 2012 solar flare impacts, or on introducing available anti-gravitic, new energy sources that would transform centralized high-power electrical grid systems into de-centralized, anti-gravitic and quantum process energy sources. These new energy sources are less vulnerable to destructive solar storms, have no negative environmental impact, and could unleash unprecedented economic and social transformation.

Electrical grids & anticipated solar flares of 2012

Mainstream scientific concern about 2012 has grown since a recent National Research Council report funded by NASA and issued by the National Academy of Sciences, entitled “Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Economic and Societal Impact” which details the potential devastation of 2012 solar storms on the current planetary energy grid and because of the inter-linkages of a cybernetic society, on our entire human civilization.

According to New Scientist, science’s concern is a repetition of the 8-day 1859 “Carrington event,” a large solar flare accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME) that flung billions of tons of solar plasma onto the earth’s magnetosphere and disrupted Victorian-era magnetometers and the world telegraph system.

The New Scientist states, “The report outlines the worst case scenario for the US. The ‘perfect storm’ is most likely on a spring or autumn night in a year of heightened solar activity - something like 2012. Around the equinoxes, the orientation of the Earth's field to the sun makes us particularly vulnerable to a plasma strike.”

The next solar maximum is expected to occur in 2012. New Scientist reports that Mike Hapgood, head of the European Space Agency's space weather team states, "We're in the equivalent of an idyllic summer's day. The sun is quiet and benign, the quietest it has been for 100 years," "but it could turn the other way."

The modern electrical high-power grid magnifies the impact of solar flares. Since the grid is linked into major aspects of modern society, the effects of another Carrington event would be devastating. The National Academy of Sciences report states: “A severe space weather event in the US could induce ground currents that would knock out 300 key transformers within about 90 seconds, cutting off the power for more than 130 million people.” The New Scientist states: “According to the NAS report, the impact of what it terms a "severe geomagnetic storm scenario" could be as high as $2 trillion. And that's just the first year after the storm. The NAS puts the recovery time at four to 10 years. It is questionable whether the US would ever bounce back.”

China, which is installing a high-power electrical grid more vulnerable than that of the U.S., Europe and other developed nations will be similarly impacted.

The solar coronal mass ejection from the 1859 Carrington event arrived on earth in less than 15 minutes, which is faster that our early warning system NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) can detect.

European Space Agency space weather head Mike Hapgood states, "I don't think the NAS report is scaremongering. “Scientists are conservative by nature and this group is really thoughtful," he says. "This is a fair and balanced report."

More perfect storm: the hole in the earth’s magnetic field

According to a December 16, 2008 report, NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft has discovered a hole in earth’s magnetic field which is 10 times as large as previously thought. The magnetosphere, which is designed to protect earth from the plasma of solar flares, now has a hole in it four time the size of the earth.

According to the NASA report, “Northern IMF events don't actually trigger geomagnetic storms but they do set the stage for storms by loading the magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded magnetosphere is primed for auroras, power outages, and other disturbances that can result when, say, a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits.”

The solar maximum is expected in 2012. University of New Hampshire scientist Jimmy Raeder states, “"We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big event."

The Obama administration, 2012 and new energy

The Obama administration and most modern governmental energy departments in the 192 U.N. member nations have focused on reducing dependence on conventional energy grids (petroleum, coal or nuclear power) by introducing renewable energy sources such as wind, geo-thermal, and tidal power. These alternative sources are thought to supply about 10% of current energy needs. For example, the Obama policy with regard to the electrical energy grid is stated its official energy and the environment agenda on the White House website:

“Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.”
This policy, which replicates energy grid policy in many advanced industrialized nations, is not adequate for the challenges of 2012 solar flares. The policy does not promote new fuel-less non-polluting energy sources now sequestered in secret, national security and black budget projects, and which have been developed using U.S. tax-payer funds. These included reported anti-gravitic technology and free energy technologies, based on Tesla technology.

So here is a key question: Is human society being set up to fail and suffer an effective systems collapse with great loss of life and property if 2012 solar flares materialize in the worst case scenario?

Image of areas of North America affected by 2012 solar flares:

The good news: 2012 galactic alignment

To be continued in Part II of this article

For more info: Barack Obama’s inaugural speech predicts “extraterrestrial event” on scale of Iraq war says expert
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More About: 2011-12

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Jamie says:
i'm scared
November 10, 1:02 PM
Dan says:
I think this may help you to understand;

Several years ago after leaving the armed services I was abducted by Greys that are working for "the Federation".
The Federation is "a NATO type organization", of Greys,
Reptilian,Insectoid, Moth men,(recessive beings like in the movies...I saw about 42 different types of military males in various bases in the United States).
You can find more information on these Orion beings discussed in various
contact books, and thousands of internet sites for the smart people to learn and study.
I was taken to the Federation caves by physical barely visible in our spectrum..beings.
I used infrared/spectrum lenses goggles to see them, including a type of sub-space being, as the attacks went on I compensated as much as I could.
Regressive Beings working with Greys, called the White Brotherhood are the culprits. After my negative life threatening experiences
of many years I learned from the Greys themselves buy watching and studying as I was be
November 8, 7:25 PM
Sharp says:
A collapse of the power grid would cause a collapse of the internet, a collapse of the media. It would leave people in large cities with a food supply of only what is in the stores at the time and then an unbelievable crime rate as people struggle to survive. Our society is not set up the way it was before electricity was avaiable. Without power or communications and the food not able to be refridgerated, life would change drastically. While I could write an entire thesis on this, I'll keep it simple by saying that I do believe what it says in the word of God and this would not be ithe end of the world but it would set the stage for it including famine and the loss of ability to communicate world wide. A possible change in polarity could open the door to techtonic shifts thus releasing a super volcanoe -- causing ash to block out the sunlight and so forth. Yet I am not a doom sayer; I only abcknowledge possibilities.
October 29, 11:22 AM
Sharp says:
A collapse of the power grid would cause a collapse of the internet, a collapse of the media. It would leave people in large cities with a food supply of only what is in the stores at the time and then an unbelievable crime rate as people struggle to survive. Our society is not set up the way it was before electricity was avaiable. Without power or communications and the food not able to be refridgerated, life would change drastically. While I could write an entire thesis on this, I'll keep it simple by saying that I do believe what it says in the word of God and this would not be ithe end of the world but it would set the stage for it including famine and the loss of ability to communicate world wide. A possible change in polarity could open the door to techtonic shifts thus releasing a super volcanoe -- causing ash to block out the sunlight and so forth. Yet I am not a doom sayer; I only abcknowledge possibilities.
October 29, 10:47 AM
Sj says:
I had fun reading this, so theres going to be a solar flare which messes up the electricity grids and we'll have no power. This means the end of the world to you? people survived for many years without power its just that we have stupidly come to rely on it! Don't you think people should be considering other ways of generating electricity other than our complex grids, some renewable source? not worrying about whether 'God' is involved and whether you have read the bible?
October 20, 10:53 AM
Dtrufhurtz says:
if it happens it happens if it dosent it dosent , but lets not be fools if it could happen we should be prepared for it. For instance we are prepared for any global threat by any known enemy. we keep a standing army just for those threats perceived and not realized. This is probably a good thing. When the smartest and most respected people in your neighborhood tell you you should duck you probably should be prepared to duck. We live in a very smart society even our machines are smart were a pretty smart people, but we are also an ignorant and arrogant people who fail to realize our own mortality. ( ignorant referring to one who ignores). It is probably true that we have more evidence that these solar storms will occur to some magnitude, then we do that god exists. (Not that I don't believe in god but thats not the point). My argument is should we not be prepared? should we not at least discuss it, Or at the least find a credible way to de bunk it.
October 8, 7:49 PM
Dr. Orloff says:
Whatever that means.
October 3, 12:48 PM
Dr. Orloff says:
People, you all need to read your bible.It specifically saids that no man will know the date, the year, or the hour of the end.The bible also saids that not even the angels in heaven know the date of the end.Only the Father God knows the end.So there is your answer.The mayans are wrong.
October 3, 11:43 AM
ronnie says:
im not scared and i dont care what youll think its not going to happen
October 2, 2:18 PM
bh says:
Stop listening to what other people tell you to believe and read the bible for yourself Gabriel!

The bible is chock full with UFO's and aliens.

What do you think Ezekiel saw?

The bible says that Humans were God's favorite over the angels. That's why the angels were jealous and and fought a war in heaven and why Lucifer left. First you can't have a favorite life form unless there are more than one. And secondly, if God created angels, aren't angels life? Or do you not believe the bible after all? Do you not believe in angels... or a war in "heaven"??

How would you describe an alien who could fly thousands of years ago?

September 17, 8:35 PM
Jambo says:
Is Gabriel an absolute brainwashed muppet or what? First of all, if you read a bible, you are reading something that has been interpreted by a monarch hundreds of years ago. Monarchs are not to be trusted. Secondly, "there is not even no history of ufo's". That is a double negative. So you've basically contradicted yourself. Dumbo. And thirdly UFO's obviously exist. How many times do you look into the sky and see something and you don't know what it is? You may think beyond a reasonable doubt that it is a plane, however you personally cannot prove what it is. So, therefore it is an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. UFO does not suggest aliens. Therefore UFO's are real. There are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second ...is good, and the third is useless. Which are you? 2nd or 3rd?
September 15, 4:37 AM
John says:
It is a scientifical possibility that the sun may cause a solar flare causing an apacolypse on earth it happened once in the 1850's it can happen again I am doing a science projest about the sun and its ending forget about what the mayans said there is science to look at.
September 14, 10:02 AM
John says:
September 14, 9:59 AM
Holly says:
OMG!! You know how arrogant you sound saying we are the only life in the universe??? We are a speck in a HUGE universe. I have read the bible MANY times and I can say with 1000% certainty it states god created the heavens and the earth. BY HEAVENS IT MEANS THE UNIVERSE. It also says human was created in gods image. ALL life starts as female then the ovaries drop if the genes are male and make testicles. SO that means GOD was a woman. Second NO WHERE in the bible does it say there is no such thing as UFOs. It say in many instances things were descended from the sky. How do you know it is not descending from a ship?? All living forms have a leader in their own belief. As for witchcraft LOL they don't deal with UFOs. They will put a spell on you but they don't deal with green men.
September 10, 1:57 PM
Ray says:
As long as the gamecocks have all day games I'm good
September 9, 2:24 AM
Gabriel says:
First of all type Bible Study Online into Yahoo.com and read up on UFO's. THEY DO NOT EXIST. If you read your bible, you would know that. It says people that practice witchcraft in certain areas will witness or see a flashing light in the sky that may appear to look like a UFO but their just demonic spirits or symbols. Notice if the flying object doesnt show up on the radar that means its is supernatural. Anything that is supernatural comes from either GOd or the devil. In this case it comes from the devil. There is not even no history of UFOs. Not a single UFO landed at Area 51. Aliens dont exist. God did not create Aliens. Half the government arent even christians that is why they believe maybe one day a UFO will land their. UFO shouldnt even be a word because it does not exist.
September 4, 10:31 PM
Len says:
I'm sure human kind will survive. We tend to have a knack at overcoming adversity. By the way, what is all this god and Jesus nonsense people keep spewing? Religion is the key ideal that stunts us as an advancing and intelligent species. With any luck all of these moronic religions of the world will eventually fade to a past memory of ridiculous human folk lore.
August 30, 8:32 PM
Brad says:
If we all will trust in the lord, will shall not witness the wolds end, but we shall be taken away by the father into a new better world he has prepaired for us, before we see such a tragic time. Were all going to die at some point in time, we cant all sit around waiting for 2012, just to see if all were told is true. Who predicts when a solar flare is about to happen any way, for all we know a flare could strike at any time. Plus we all know the lord turned water into wine, just think if he decided to turn water into gasoline....?
August 27, 8:02 PM
R. Fall says:
Search "12:12"...So many seeing this on digital clocks. 2012. If "0" zero has no value, 2 12's = 1212.
August 26, 12:46 AM
rcPSYCHOPATH777 says:
i cant wait nature is unleashing its fury and we waste our time resisting the inevitable
August 17, 5:48 PM


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