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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Secret Yajweh Tapes Volume One


My name is Yajweh. I am making these tapes because I am about to do something that,
quite frankly, I don’t know if I’m going to come back from and I want my story told the
way I want to tell it. I’ve started and stopped recording this now dozens of times and so
forgive me if I meander a little bit here at first. I’m planning on making them 9 sessions.
This is number 1 and my hope is that within the body of those 9 sessions, my story will be

I reside right now on planet Earth among the humans. Hello everyone. I have been
here now, in Earth years, about, I guess, 3,500 hundred. Forgive me for not being exact.
Time works a little bit differently for me than it does for you.

The planet that I am from is a planet near the centre of the galaxy, our galaxy, the Milky
Way, you call it, which is a galaxy that is teaming with life, some new like you and some
very old like me. The planet that I am from is heavily forested with trees that have grown
for what would be hundreds of thousands of Earth years.

When I was a child, my earliest memory is looking up at a greenish sky that we have there
and having my mother explain to me that my father had been killed.

My parents: my mom, she was a school teacher, I assume still is. She taught linguistics,
for a lack of a better term. She taught languages. My father was the equivalent of a
forest firefighter…fireman?

Fires on my planet are common, but there are trees that must be protected at all cost
because they hold within them the history of our people, of our planet, of everything that
has ever happened there. Much like aboriginal dream time here on Earth.

She gave me that day a small piece of wood, maybe 6 or 7 centimetres high, 2 of
3 centimetres in diameter, with a hole bored through the middle. Almost like a
marshmallow from the circular sides with a hole bored through. She told me it was called
inodoxquai (spelling?) and that inodoxquai was a key used to communicate with some
of the ancient groves of trees on my planet, and the reason why the middle was missing
is that this was taken from one of the oldest trees that had died and that no one could
ever risk someone, whether through nefarious means or accidentally, coming across that
core ancient knowledge from the first days of our planet. I subsequently learned that it’s
actually not that interesting, especially not from an Earthling’s perspective.

My father had died protecting some of the most ancient trees in the galaxy. Trees
through which a force of life flows that is deeper than any ocean, more vast than the
universe itself it seems at times to me. I was then, as the eldest, given the opportunity

to follow in his footsteps. I chose not to. I chose this on my own after finding out all the
different parts, the different pieces, that taking on that job would entail and feeling that
my younger sibling would be better suited to serve the needs of my people and carry on
my father’s proud tradition.

So, I instead, chose to follow under the tutelage of my mother – linguistics – and became
fascinated with some of the ancient rituals and the old cultures that exist in our galaxy;
species who have been around in Earth year equivalent hundreds and millions of years.
You can’t imagine in an Earthly context the amount of knowledge that has been amassed
by these cultures. What we sometimes ask ourselves here as the deepest questions
fathomable are the stuff of children’s books to them.

But, I began my studies and as I began pursuing this field, I became aware of a transition
that was happening on a planet named Nibiru. The planet of Nibiru was seeing the end
of the House of the Sixth Emperor, who was, with respect, a bloody tyrant to any species
with whom he came in contact. He was a shoot-first-ask-questions-later type of being to
the extreme, blinded by his greed and lust for power. His health was bad and his time
was soon to pass.

The Seventh Emperor of Nibiru was somebody who I knew from school. The guy that was
in line – it’s not sons – it’s part of a certain family dynasty, would be the way to term it.
He had passed all the tests and he had met with the councils there and he was in line to
be Emperor Seven. He wanted to change back the course of his people. He wanted to
rekindle the days when Nibiru and the Anunnaki were known for their great generosity and
their ingenuity, their ability to problem solve in creative ways to help other species, other
races, other planets, instead of this lust that had overtaken the House.

The people of Nibiru love gold. It is something that is much like carbon is to people on
Earth and water, gold is to the Anunnaki of Nibiru. It is essential for life. It contributes
to their very make-up of both them as physical entities and their surroundings and this
planet, Earth, which I always knew before as Delta Sol, had, by galactic standards, an
easily accessible supply of gold.

When he became Emperor Seven, he said he wanted to form a team to go to Delta
Sol and learn more about the cultures there. That there would be 9 and that he had
researched the proto-cultures that existed at the time. He knew where they would be
placed and at during which times they’d be placed. He said that we would be chosen
based upon unique skills and that he wanted me part of this team because I have the
ability, I guess, to see both sides. I think I get that from my initial studies being in
language. When you study language, there’s not a good or a bad, it’s just a translation,

it’s finding common ground, it’s finding a way to make one make sense in an equivalent
fashion with the respective other. I love translating. I’ve taught Vince a lot of it. Prince
has no interest in it. I’ve tried to teach those who want to know. I was sent to Earth as
part of this team.

The Sixth Emperor of Nibiru was a cruel, cruel leader. When the Seventh Emperor’s time
came, he wanted to shift the perception of his people, both on and off world. He wanted
the community around him to understand in no uncertain terms that there was a shift in
paradigm there that had occurred with his taking over and by sending this team to Earth,
the goal was simple – we would like the people of Earth to supply us with as much gold
as they can and we would like them to do this in a way that will accomplish three things:
1) We would like them to enjoy their toils. We would like them to have a taste of what
technology can bring them in the form of leisure, in the form of advancement, in the form
of in betterment of life; 2) We would like the people of Earth to be prepared for being
brought into the community of worlds in our galaxy –

And the Seventh Emperor of Nibiru of the Anunnaki…and you’ll have to forgive me, people
who know that I should know better. My…the formality with which I speak has lessened
as my years on this planet have waned. I choose to speak English because it is right now
the most commonly understood language on your planet. I try to speak simple English,
I guess I should say. I try not to use an accent and I do this for a very specific purpose.
My communications with many of those that you would consider the ‘global elite’ are done
in different languages with a different voice. I can speak however I want. I choose to
speak this way.

Now…so the first thing was, he wanted the people of Earth to basically like gathering gold
for them. 2) He wanted somehow to get them ready to join the galactic community and
have himself be able to take some credit for that. As…you know…look what I did, look at
this contentious species that was always looked at as just too primitive and twisted and
just culturally inept to be brought in. Look where I have brought them. The third thing
that he wanted to do was kind of, I guess, grander in scope and that was that he wanted
to introduce religion on a global sense to the people of Earth. He wanted the people of
Earth to believe in something more than what they were.

There is no easy way to explain what God is, even for the ancient ones, but God does
exist, surely you know this. We anthropomorphize God into some kind of a human, you
know, white bearded figure, depending on which culture you’re from, of course, but there
is a “God”. There is a “devil”. Some call it polarity, a positive and a negative. Some call it
light and dark. Some call it hot and cold. Some call it up and down. Some call it left and
right. Some call it inside or outside. The force that you feel pulling you one way versus

the pull that you feel pulling you the other and the constant striving for balance that we
feel as humans is what makes us humans. I know I said “us” and I don’t want to be
confusing here, but I’ve been part of your race for a long time.

I’ve seen very, very horrible things done and I’ve also seen very, very wonderful things
done also and I try to keep that in balance day to day, moment by moment. Day by day
is how I try to live – that’s all you can do.

So, with these three things in mind, when the Sixth Emperor passed and the Seventh
Emperor came to the throne, myself and 8 others were brought in and given a
presentation, I guess, might be a fun way of explaining it, of His Excellency’s plan, and
it was grand in scope and not one of us turned him down. All 9 who were brought in to
come here accepted their mission with sincere, sincere hearts. We have tried to do our

So what happened was, he said, basically…I’m going to try and explain this as easily as I
can without rambling and I know I ramble. He’s going to send us each to a different area
of Earth at a different time in history. This is the part where people get hung up. Time
travel is, of course, possible.

Einstein was dead on when he talked about…as soon as you go faster than the speed of
light, you’re basically going back in time. Now, one of the big things that can bend light
is gravity and there has been a lot of science done on gravity. That’s how “UFOs” get
around. Gravity, like anything else, is a series of equations that can be, on a base level,
manipulated and should only be attempted by people who very much know what they’re
doing. Let’s put it that way.

So, we arrived on this planet and we had been instructed very simply. We had, I
guess, the equivalent in Earth time would have been about a year of training. We were
trained by individuals from various species, various races. And I say species and races
because there are species who are not sentient. They don’t’ choose to participate in the
community of worlds and that’s fine for them. There are some that visit here that you’d
want to be aware of. The menacing Greys are one of them…

Let me tell you a little story about the Greys. Let me sidetrack here for a second. You
know why the Greys are so popular here? It’s because they make themselves popular.
They seek nothing more than fame and attention. The Greys come from a planet very
near my home world. They know I do not fear them. They know they do not want
to mess with me. We have been the rounds over the years. They have tried to take
individuals with whom I was working at the time, which is unacceptable. They have done
grotesque modifications of humans over the years that have resulted in crazy myths and

legends being spun as a consequence. They do this to toy with you. The Greys seek
nothing more than your attention. The Greys are here for one reason and one reason
only…they like to cause trouble and dissension. They like to cause chaos. They are a
very ancient species, and I use the term ‘species’ here because I do not consider them
sentient, and here is why – they don’t think on an individual level. They’ve been empathic
for so long that I’m one of the few people I know that can really understand what they’re
actually saying. They work from a common collective that has existed for millennia as a
source of destruction in the galaxy. I’m asked all the time, why are they not just wiped
out. They powers that be here on Earth ask me that on a monthly basis – isn’t there
anything that can be done?

The reason the Greys are not wiped out is because long ago, a rule, an unwritten law we
can call it, was set into motion that basically says you do not kill anything. The force of
life that exists in plants, trees, people, rocks, water, the sky, stars, even the menacing
Greys, comes from the same spring. Playing judge, jury and executioner is what the
negative side, the devil side, wants you to do. What the positive side, the God side, wants
of us – and this is known, this is not my opinion, this is known – is that we find balance;
we find ways to compromise and live in peace.

My views on the Greys are not universally held, there are some who find value in their
technology. They are one of the species who understands gravity very well. Their work
has, arguably, brought good. But I have seen them torment the human race for too long
to stand silent. But I don’t want to get sidetracked.

The training lasted about a year and basically what we were taught was what the Akashic
record showed…was what had happened on Earth, what was happening now, what was
going to happen.

Let me explain the Akashic record very quickly because I get asked about this a lot. Edgar
Casey made a big deal out of it. He was a tormented guy, to put it lightly.

There exists in our galaxy a record, if you will, of everything that has ever happened, is
happening now and ever will happen within a certain scope, and let me explain that scope.
1) Alternate timelines. Alternate timelines don’t exist. That’s the cookyest science fiction
nonsense I’ve ever heard.

And Mitchio (spelling?), if you’re listening to me right now, next time we meet up, I have
got the equation figured out. Yes, I got it figured out. I’m going to show you and you
can put it on your little science channel show.

There is only one timeline because when you travel backwards or forwards through time,

so to speak, time doesn’t cease to exist for you as you travel. When you get there,
you don’t have the experience you would have had over those years that you missed.
Your brain goes with you, folks. Because we’re all connected on a base level, here you
would call it on a spiritual level or your souls are interwoven like fractals, you…because
everything is connected, all the information is coming to a central source. The process
of cataloguing this information, as you can imagine, is intense. The process of accessing
this information is beyond comprehension for most people, for most humans. You have
to use, I guess the way to describe it would be…you’d have to use a different part of your
mind, one that most of you have shut off by your respective cultures around the time you
learn how to talk and walk. You’re born with it but that part of your brain is never used
and it shrivels up and dies, really. People who have this ability are able to…what’s the
best way to describe this without sounding really corny?…um…catch a glimpse, I guess, of
bits and pieces of things that have happened, things that are going to happen, things that
are happening now. The part about the future a lot of people find very tricky, but it’s no
different than the past or the present.

Do you know everything that’s going on right now? Right now. Your husband, your wife,
your son, your daughter, your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, boss, neighbour - when they’re
not in the room with you, do you know what they are doing? They’re still doing it, right?
Doesn’t mean it’s not happening unless you’re one of those people who believe that when
people leave the room, everything ceases to exist except for what you’re experiencing
right now, which is again an unfortunate side effect of the common culture on this planet.

That’s why…the Seventh Emperor…that’s why we were asked to bring religion here.
Each of us were thought of as prophets in our day, each of us 9. Yeshua (spelling?)
was Jesus. I get asked a lot about Mohammed. Mohammed was not one of the 9, but
Mohammed was a good man. I never knew him personally, but I can tell you from folks
that I have known over the years who did have contact with him back then when they
were alive, and the couple of us that did meet him, his agenda was clean. He wanted to
bring order to a world that had none. He strived for balance. Sure, he had his own way
of expressing that agenda, but his intentions were pure.

The ancient religions on this planet believed the Gods must be satiated with sacrifice
because they believed that the most powerful thing was going with…you know…giving up
something that you cherished. Let me try and explain this. This is worth taking a moment
and trying to explain here.

The ancient cultures of Earth lived in a world where a freak storm was thought to be the
work of the angry Gods, where disease, a bad yield of crop, was thought to be the work of
angry Gods. What for them…what could they do to show the Gods how sorry they were

or how much they loved them, how devoted they were? What could they do? They had
to part with something they believed that was dear to them. Now, that could be in the
old days, a sharp rock, a stick that you’d used to hunt with that had brought you luck,
that you could throw into a bog, throw into the sea. By giving up this item, this thing that
you held dear, that your existence depended on and casting your salvation to the Gods,
it was thought that you gave them the respect they required of you for them to grant
their blessings. Then, as proto-humans started to…I guess…develop agriculture, would
be the term to use, animals were very prized because of meat, hides, for obvious reasons.
They were sacrificed, because this was thought of as pleasing to the Gods and when they
started doing human sacrifices, that’s when a lot of attention got drawn to this planet on
a galactic sense. Because, again, the unwritten law in our galaxy, the on that everyone
abides by, that’s worked for millions and millions of years, is we don’t kill each other.

We try to find balance; we try to find peaceful ways to co-exist because on a base scale,
everybody wants the same things. Sorry, my throat’s getting dry.

So, when were asked to bring religion here, it was a very touchy subject because we had
to change the…we had to change minds. We had to convince people somehow that there
was something beyond their existence, some other reason to be good.

You know it’s funny, in western culture at least, when kids are young, they got the tooth
fairy. They find out that’s not real, but there’s still Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Be
good and you’ll get a Christmas present. Then they find out that’s not real. The next
logical progression is God. Well, everybody tells me be good and God will send me to
heaven. What if that’s not real? That’s the kind of mindset we were up against when we
began proselytizing back in the days.

We were given permission to…people thought they were miracles…people thought we
were…people thought we were magic! We brought them along kicking and screaming
some of them. Dragging their culture away from the histories of violence that some of
these had lived in and tried to instil in them, each in their own respective way, a simple
notion. Don’t go around judging people, don’t kill people, find ways to find common
ground, find…there are things among you that are different, but on a base scale, when
you peel back all these tertiary things, that in the grand scheme of things don’t really
matter, we all want the same stuff. We all want to be taken care of and happy, a roof
over our head, food in our belly, find some purpose in our life, find something that we’re
passionate about and be able to explore and do that, and a great many of us also feel the
need to in better society in doing that.

There are those who seek, for nefarious purposes, power, money. Those people, they will

never be satiated; the thirst that they have cannot be quenched, and let me explain what
hell is.

Hell is after you die, thirsting for whatever it is you search for now that’s not of a spiritual
nature. Let me give you an example. If you’re an alcoholic and you wake up in the
morning and your first thought is: get a drink. What are you going to do if you pass and
no longer have a physical body to imbibe that alcohol? If you’re a drug addict and your
every waking thought is how am I going to get my next fix, when you’re gone without a
physical body, how are you going to do that? If you’re addicted to sex, if you’re addicted
to pornography, if you have desires that you don’t let anyone else know about because
you consider them too personal, but nonetheless, they devour you daily, how are you
going to exist in peace when you no longer have a physical body to satiate those wants
and desires.

The same thing comes from too much comfort from your money. Those of you who are
wealthy, have you forgotten the keys to the kingdom? Have you forgotten what keeps
us in business? Do you know what I mean by that? What I mean is you don’t need a
house with three bathrooms and seven rooms. You don’t need two cars. You don’t need
to consume the resources that you consume on this planet. Everything in your home
was shipped from one place to another on a truck that spewed out pollution, packed with
styrofoam that stays around for a long time, ladies and gentlemen. And even those of you
who think you are green or who are environmentally conscious; the house you live in is
made of wood, is it not, or concrete that was ripped from the Earth?

How many of you right now, if the shit hit the fan and everything came crashing down
around you, how many of you could survive out there? I’m not talking about people trying
to take your stuff. I’m not talking about some apocalyptic due in which, you know, may
very well be a real possibility to some extent, but what I’m talking about here for our
discussion is could you survive? Could you find water you could drink? Could you find
food, could you make a fire if you had no matches? Could you build shelter? Do you
know anything at all about how to make your own clothing, or would you be able to kill
an animal and use their skin to keep warm? What would you do? Ask yourself this as
you fall asleep tonight. Ask yourself if everything ended around me and I had to exist
just with myself, would I be comfortable, would I be content, would I be happy? Because
that’s how you prepare yourself for death.

That’s what we tried to teach people in the ancient times. We said there is a hereafter,
one which you can control. The Gods are not forces who have a will of their own who can
conspire against you when they’re angry and who can bless you when they are pleased.
It’s…there’s one side that wants good and there’s one side that wants bad. We’re all

caught in the middle, every one of us. The trillions and trillions of beings throughout the
galaxy, we’re all caught in the middle of the force. We all struggle to find our place in the
stream, where we’re not being pulled one way or the other. We can stop and float awhile,
look up at the sky and relax. That’s what we’re all looking for, and on an Earthly scale,
the people here, a lot of them, had never thought that way. What they thought was my
existence is hard. Every day I don’t know if I’m going to get enough to eat, I don’t know
if I’m going to survive the next storm. If all of a sudden people start getting sick and
dying, am I going to survive that? It was constant worry, a lot like it is now, I guess. But
we brought religion here to this planet because it seemed like a good thing to do at the
time. Oh, I’m trying to be honest. Sometimes in the spirit of candour I say things that
perhaps I should take back.

We wanted the people of Earth to start appreciating the simple fact that they are alive.
Do you know you’re alive? You, listening right now, do you know that you’re alive? Do
you know that you are, within your soul, your spirit, you are capable of everything you can
possibly imagine? When you dream at night, do you fly? Who are the people around you
in your dreams? Do you wake in fear of going back to sleep or do you wake wishing you
could go back into that dreamtime and experience that feeling again. Because this may
be hard for some of you to hear – that’s what’s going to happen when you die. Just like
when we dream, that’s what happens when you die.

You have to get yourself in balance and the way to do this that I have found helpful in
my experience with humans on Delta Sol is by trying to step back from both the things
that are going good for you and the things that are going bad for you. Let me give you
an example. Let’s say your job is the shits (sorry, I don’t like to curse). Let’s say your
job is awful, but let’s say you have a loving family, then everything’s fine on the home
front or vice-versa. You feel almost sometimes like you’re two different people, don’t you?
You’re one person at work, where you feel like you have to be a jerk, you have to be on
edge to be successful to survive in that environment and then when you go home, you
feel almost like you have to flip that switch off and be a nice person or maybe vice-versa.
Maybe you have trouble at home and you feel like at home you have to be a disciplinarian
or you have to be tough; you have to put your foot down because that’s the only area of
life you feel like you have control and maybe in your work or your professional life or your
school, you feel like you have no control. You’re just a technician, just a cog in the wheel
and you’re trying to do your best. Step back from that for a minute because none of that

When you dream at night do you think about…do you dream thinking how am I going to
pay my mortgage, how am I going to get a new car, how am I going to pay my credit card
bills. If you do, you’ve got to figure out a way to reclaim your soul. You’ve got to dive

deep within yourself. You’ve got to get back to the person, the being, that you were when
you were just a child, before all the evil and sick, twisted stuff that goes on in this world
happened to you. Get back to that and try to start again from there.

Every baby is perfectly balanced, every one perfect. There is no original sin. We are born
pure. We are born with everything – pre-wired, hard-coded, if you will, into our…your
brains (I’m trying to speak in human terms). It’s all there, you just have to remember it.

I know it’s difficult to put aside the real concerns of life because I know that a great
many of you have people who are dependent on you, your children or whomever. What
I ask that you try is that at night before you go to sleep, or if you sleep during the day,
whenever, before you go to sleep, try to clear your mind. Try this…try thinking of a very,
very large piece of clear, white paper that seems endless. Just imagine trying to find
the edge of the paper. Put your mind in a loop. You’re just looking for something that
doesn’t exist anyway. Put a face on it. Call it the white paper. But clear your mind before
you go to sleep at night. When you dream, if you fly, come and see me. Call my name as
you fall asleep. Think of me. Think of my voice. Put on this tape and listen to it. I am
Yajweh of the Anunnaki and I am here to help the people of this planet because I, in the
3500 plus years…Earth years, that I have been here, I have developed such good friends.

I have seen your people grow in exponential terms. Let me give you one example. A long
time ago, I lived on the island of Fiji, near Suva. There was an old man in the village who
had come to the village from the sea who did not speak the language, who had, for lack of
a better term, washed up on shore one day with no provisions in a busted up canoe and
he was taken in by the village. He was old, he didn’t speak the language, he had learned
some of the verbiage…I guess…I don’t know how to describe it…he’d learned somewhat
how to communicate but he was old, he was nice and he kept to himself, fished, he didn’t
require really anyone’s assistance.

He had in his possession around his neck a medallion, very shiny, and the people all
coveted this medallion. So even though they couldn’t communicate with him, they all tried
to do nice things for him, thinking that when he passed, they could claim it as theirs, as
their inheritance, or he might bequeath it to them or somehow give it to them. It’s very
hard to do nice things or to brown-nose or kiss-up to somebody who does not need your
assistance, to someone who requires very little.

One of the young children in the village used to bring this gentleman, every day, a rock
from the beach and place it on his doorstep, and he did this for years. One day he
brought the man a rock and put it on his doorstep and the man took the rock, held it high
and smashed it with a bigger rock…he…some implement. It was a geode. Inside the

boy had never seen…now I’m trying to think of the story…I don’t remember if it was a
little boy or a little girl…anyway, the child had never seen something so cool and had to
explain to the villagers what happened. They believed that a God had done this. They
believed, after the child had told them that the man who wore the shiny medallion around
his neck had given this to him, or had broken a rock open and had showed this to him.
They believed that he must be a God and changed from just trying to be nice to him to
obsession; bringing him food, bringing him gifts, people brought their daughters, trying to
get him to marry them and to impregnate them.

The old man wanted none of this, so he left the island. He…I would assume he just went
to a different part of the island and took up residence there until his days expired. But the
man was not Fijian. The man was Incan and he was from the city of Machu Picchu and
he had gotten lost on an expedition at sea and he was the only one who had survived and
he had come to live in Fiji. Their languages were very different, their cultures were very
different. Around his neck he wore an emerald…just an emerald necklace with gold, but
of course, the Fijians had not seen anything like that and they thought of it as magical.

Now, the point to this story is this: up until that time, I had this perception of the people
of Earth as barbaric…I guess. You were beneath me; you were something I was studying.
I was here to help out. I felt pity but not on a real sense of compassion. It was more
out of a duty or obligation. This person was allowed to live and exist. He could’ve
been…the people there could’ve gathered together and knocked the guy out and taken
his possessions. They could’ve killed him. Why didn’t they? Well, because that would’ve
been considered inhospitable or impolite. He was a guest. He came from the sea. What
would they want if they washed up on someone’s beach? They would want to be allowed
to exist. The prospect of getting…finding your way back home may not be feasible but
you would want to be allowed to exist.

It changed my paradigm on the human race. I realized for the first time you people
are not animals. You are sentient beings who feel the pull from both sides, but you
understand that positivity and love and good is the way to go. On a base level, you
understand that.

Most of the people I’ve met on this planet who consider themselves “devil worshippers”
or practice the dark arts – they may wear dark clothing and slick their hair back and
have very pale complexions some of them. They do so out of rebellion. They feel that
they are choosing the negative over the good, typically as some kind of a spite against
an authoritarian parent perhaps from the past, or someone who at some point in their
life made them feel stupid, made them feel unimportant because they had cast their
judgement upon them and they want to prove to everyone that they are different and

unique and…friends, each and every one of you is different, each and every one of you
is unique, but each and every one of you is also part of the same spring. You’re all part
of the same…on a base level…of the same soul. We’re all branches from the same tree.
Whatever little metaphor you want to attach to it. We’re all in this together.

I began to realize that the people of Earth were more advanced than certainly the
Anunnaki and those on Nibiru who had organized the expedition had initially understood.
But even myself, as a professional…considering myself an expert on interstellar
anthropology…I became fascinated. This was something that I could know that no one
else in the galaxy would know. I would be greedy, but under the guise of good, I’m the
only one who will know all of these things, that will understand this culture. Yes, it’s the
Seventh Emperor’s idea to bring these in, but I will be the ambassador, so to speak. And I
became a little full of myself for a while.

I was only humbled when the Romans brutally murdered my friend, Yeshua; hung him
to a cross. Why? Because they feared that he was undermining the fabric of their
society. If he could provide people sustenance through his words, if people could in better
themselves and those around them, for the soul intention of making the world a better
place, why on Earth would you need the state? Why would you need a government taxing
you, controlling you, regulating your trade and your lives, if everybody was working for
the common good?

Governments exist partly because evil exists on this planet. You take care of the evil; you
people don’t need traditional governance. So a lot of the people who seek power on this
planet…a lot of the people who govern this planet seek conflict; they ferment it; they whip
you into a frenzy.

Five companies control your media. Yet no matter where you are on the planet, ninety
plus percent of everything you hear on your “news” channels through 5 different locations
on the globe…if we don’t fight against each other, why do we need politicians to globetrot
and eat fancy food and go to fancy parties and decide what’s best for the rest of us? We
only need that if there’s war and conflict going on.

And let me tell you, there have been more times in the history of your planet…but let’s
just talk about the last 14,000 years…there have been more times that peace was about
to break out and was quenched with war than vice-versa. Most people yearn to be free.
Most people yearn for peaceful existence. And I say most people because there are those
out there who…young souls mostly…who seek not to understand but to be told. They
don’t want wisdom, they want knowledge. The don’t want to read the book, they just
want to read the inside cover and then talk about it at cocktail parties. There’s nothing

you can do about those folks. There’s nothing. I’ve tried. I’ve spent, you know, a better
part of 35 plus centuries trying. You just need to walk away from those type of people.

It’s interesting, I know on these tapes I’ve been doing…Vince tells me all the time people
are saying they don’t believe it, or prove it, or something like that. Well, it’s been going
on for a long time. People come to their rabbi, their imam, their priest, preacher, or
whoever; a position of authority in their respective faith and come with the question,
often very humbly, almost afraid to ask, is there any proof that God exists? Is there any
proof that this book I’ve read my whole life is accurate? What do the good ones tell their
flocks? They tell them the same thing Yeshua told them 2000 years ago. The truth…you
will know the truth when you see it. You will know it because it will tug at your very soul.
You will feel drawn towards it. It will offer you comfort and warmth and a feeling that
everything makes sense. Even if it’s a fleeting moment, you’ll chase after it the rest of
your life. That feeling that everything around me makes…is happening for a reason. It
has happened. It will happen for a reason. I am not just floating down this torrentious
river; I am a part of the river. Every move that I make affects the outcome downstream
for every other molecule within that body. And once you grasp that, you no longer ask
for “proof”.

Now, for those of you who want proof, I promise you, by the end of the 9 sessions, I will
have more proof shoved at you than you’ll know what to do with. And you can choose
whether or not you want to share that with other people. My concern is not for the
masses. My concern is for those who seek to find me. I would like to tell you my story
before I go.

I was given the chance in October 2010 to enter into negotiations as a liaison on behalf
of the Seventh Emperor of Nibiru, with his blessings mind you, and was given the
opportunity to choose one member of my team to accompany me. I chose Yeshua who
was…you know, when the Romans killed him, when the Romans crucified him, he was
taken to a tomb where he was laid to rest and three days later, he rose from the dead
and ascended into heaven, and that was a ceremony that I am, to this day, honoured to
have been a part of, to have been there for. I saw once again the compassion that dwells
within the hearts of men. I saw at the same time the apathy, the insubordinate naivety
that exists in men who believe that somehow because they’re respected, or somehow
because they have creature comforts, are above their brothers and sisters.

So, I chose Yeshua to come back with me. He’ll be here in a couple of weeks. I have not
spoken to him in about 2000 Earth years. We’ll have a lot to catch up on. He’s not going
to like a lot of what he sees when he comes back that’s been done in his name and I am
going to do my best to explain this whole concept…this Judeo/Christian myth and lure

surrounding his “second coming” and the one you call the antichrist.

It’s interesting what pieces of truth make it through the years, survive the edits of your
books and what pieces of information are left on the cutting room floor. The antichrist is
an ancient myth, I guess, that we…my team…ugh, I hate saying this…we didn’t implant
the myth. We took an old myth that your culture had and just spruced it up a bit.
Basically, the story goes like this…

On Earth, people believed at the time that actual demons existed. In other words,
monsters, something like that. It was believed that these demons would devour you in
such a way that they would consume your spirit and that that was…they could actually
damage, not just you, but your entire clan, your entire family by doing this. So, people
would be found sometimes mauled by a bear for instance and they would have the legend
spun around so that they were attacked by this demon and that somehow their clan was
cursed and they would do all kinds of crazy things. The way around that in many of these
cultures was to go out and fast until you had a vision. They called it different things, but
it was basically you’d go out and fast yourself into hallucinating a vision, and in these
visions, depending on which way people were pulled, because most people are out of
balance, they would either see a bright light or deep, dark, you know, demonic hell…and
as…to again…it’s human nature…you guys like to anthropomorphize everything and create
something that looks like you attached to it. So, a devil was spun out and on the other
side a God was spun out and what we did was we took what was going on at the time
when they killed Yeshua and we said, basically, that these demons or that the father of
these demons, the master of these demons, would come back one day and take over the
Earth and only Yeshua coming back could save you from this. And we did this because
we thought at the time that this is going to start the biggest religion this planet has ever
experienced, and it started a big one.

Christianity has survived the test of time and…

Am I running out of time, Vince? How much? Okay. About ten minutes, he says. So I’m
going to try and wrap things up on this first tape.

So again, to summarize – my name is Yajweh. I am from a planet that is very near the
centre of the Milky Way galaxy. On my planet, because of the gravitational forces there,
things grow…everything…the rocks, the trees, the beings like me that live there, we grow
slowly. Our gestation period, for instance, would be the Earth equivalent to thousands
of years. By the time I was born, I had the Earth equivalent of, like I say, 2,000 years of
my mother’s experience that I had been experiencing in her, so to speak, womb. I’m not
saying I was born full size, but things are a bit different on that home. But, nobody cares

about that.

When I was at school, I was very good at both language and ancient culture and ritual.
One of my friends at university on Nibiru was in line to become the Seventh Emperor
of Nibiru. He gathered a team, myself being one of them, and 8 others, respectively.
A team of 9, and sent us here to Delta Sol (to Earth) where we were given the task of
getting the people of Earth to work for the Anunnaki and do so willingly, and we wanted
to help bring them up to speed, so to speak, technologically and, I guess, on a base
knowledge sense, so to speak, to be assimilated into the community of worlds in our
galaxy, what we call the Milky Way, and to kind of throw the wild card into the bunch, to
create some different, what we would now call, religions to give people a pull towards the
common good, basically. We didn’t start these to start wars, that’s…humans did the wars.
We’ve…I don’t know of…I know I have certainly never done anything intentionally to
cause one society to do battle with their neighbour. I’m pretty sure that my 8 companions
and peers, they never did anything or have never…done…anything…I think I just had an
epiphany. Okay, I need to finish up.

I am going to try to explain everything. I’m going to try to explain what has happened on
this planet over the course of the last 14,000 years, in particular, the last 3,500 years that
I have been here. I am going to explain both myself and the 8 others who came here.
A little bit about each one of us. Why we were here, what our particular expertise were,
some of the stories I’ve heard as we’ve gotten together over the years and kind of shared
experiences of what we’ve come across here.

All of us come at this from different angles. We all are supposed to be working for the
common good, at least we were. Now, what’s happened is that, well, a little thing called
the Internet happened and what that allowed us to do was…and I’ll explain the whole how
we assisted with the Internet. It’s not as exciting as Al Gore’s version of the story. But
what that allowed us to do was to create a global fabric, a global base for knowledge on
this planet. So that things could be communicated in mass very quickly and efficiently.
That’s why I choose to speak in as unaccented English as I possibly can and that’s why
I’ve chosen to use methods like Youtube, because it’s very easy to get this information out
to people who are trying to find Yajweh, and also to be very mobile in doing so.

I just had to go back and record over the ending here because I want to make sure I get
this out and I’ll have the other 8 tapes to expand on this because by the time you hear
this, I will already be gone with Yeshua. We will be deep in negotiations I would assume,
I would hope. And I will need your help.

I need every one of you to do something very difficult for me, something that will at times

seem impossible. And that is, I need you to be nice to people you come in contact with,
especially those who may seem like real jerks to you. Try to beat them up with kindness.
Try to speak to people in a more pleasant tone. Try to be more patient with people who
drive you nuts. Try to maybe let somebody in line in front of you at the grocery store.
Let somebody in getting on the freeway that looks frustrated and frazzled. And the reason
I say this is because I have to be able to show them, in these negotiations, that the
people of Earth are, on a base level, good people. These are not barbaric Neanderthals,
I guess would be a funny way of saying it in a manner of speak. You’re not schmos,
you’re not dipwads out there who are just fumbling around in your existence from day to
day doldrums, going to work, going home, flipping on the idiot box, eating a TV dinner
and passing out, with a…you know…alcoholic beverage in hand. That’s the conventional
wisdom, so to speak, that I’m trying to push away from. Now that’s kind of the western
conventional wisdom. Very common in other parts of the world, the conventional wisdom
that I have…that I’m up against…is that people don’t care about anything other than their
day-to-day existence.

The first stop I will make will be in Bangladesh, which is one of the densest, if not the
most densely populated area on the globe. The way people live there would make any
American with a soul cry their eyes out; any westerner, for that matter, with a soul, cry
your eyes out. These people have nothing. They scrounge around for…they eat garbage.
I’m not lying. It’s…I get sidetracked when I think of things like that.

One of the things that’s going to be difficult for me to explain, to bring Yeshua up to
speed on, is how his compassion has been interpreted over the years and how that may
actually…he may want to consider…I don’t know if there’s any way to get that individual
to not feel pity for everything around him. That is part of his nature. That’s part of why
he was chosen. He has the ability to be disarmingly charming when necessary. It is very
tough to push up against a wall that never pushes back, and that’s what he does, and
that’s part of why I chose him, because I have a tendency to get very carried away with
myself…get very animated. I consider myself to be very arrogant. I don’t say that in a
self-damning sense, I say that because I know…I believe I know…what is the best course
of action to take here and I am not going to be dissuaded. I won’t be. And anything that
gets in my way will be stepped over or gone through. And I chose Yeshi because he’s
going to be the sobering yin to my raging yang. He’s going to be the one that says, calm
down Yaji, you’ve…you know…we’re not at the eleventh hour yet. Let’s not throw the
proverbial baby out with the metaphorical bath water here.

So, I’m going to finish telling my story in the subsequent eight tapes. Thanks everybody
who’s donated at 5sks.com to buy these. Vince is a nice guy, a very poor musician and
the money you donate just basically goes to pay for the discs and the postage and his

time for doing this for me, and it’s not much. Vince, I very much appreciate it, as always.

I’m going to tie things up now for this tape. This is the end of tape 1. Tape 2 is coming.
I am going with Vince; we are going to go to Chanhassen, Minnesota and record at my
friend’s…Prince…he’s a well-known musician. His Studio D, Paisley Park, it’s kind of back
behind the building – very nice, very secluded, very private and I will finish out the other 8
there and by that time, they should let me know when Yeshua comes and the rest will be,
as you say, history.

Thank you very much for listening to me. I say this with the most sincere heart. Find
balance and you will find peace. That’s it for me. Yajweh over and out.

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