I was sent to the Minoan Civilization about 1500 years before the common era. At what would now be termed the first part of the LATE BRONZE AGE - I got to Crete about 5 years before the catastrophe – volcano/flood/earthquake kablamo – they tried to get me like they’d gotten #3 in Atlantis, Rena-TAK survived, of course, went to the Azores for a while, then I went to the Holy Land. Jerusalem was run by the Egyptians in those days. I spoke Akkadian so I fit right in, for a while.
Control of Jerusalem changed hands over the years, but there was a period of a few hundred years, ruled under the House of David, that things were pretty good there. The temple was magnificent, and one of these days I will have to tell you more about the holy of holies – that was where the ancient texts were kept back then. The instruction manual to the human race, you could say.
I was spending a lot of time in Sippar – Sumeria – it was the cult site of the sun god (Sumerian - Utu, Akadian - Shamash) and the home of his temple E-babbara. Nebuchadnezzar, the Babalonian King, had me as consult in what would be about 1017 B.C.E. – I mainly worked as a translator for the rituals surrounding solar activity – kind of a boring job actually, most were nonsense, and the few that were really ancient rituals were rarely conducted with the sobriety required – but I was in Jerusalem around the time the “Herods” ruled – now the Father Herod was a cruel, awful man, but his son, much like Kim Jong Il of today, was a spoiled, twisted, deeply evil pest. He took personal pleasure, and much personal involvement, in what would later be referred to as the massacre of the innocents. - This is the story of the birth of my friend Yeshua, the man many of you refer to as Jesus of Nazareth – you know he was supposed to be born in Mazareth, not Judea/Bethlehem, as is customary, Joseph was sent message in a dream (now you know why I ask so many of you about your dreams…) and he was afraid for his life, so he was reinstructed, again by a dream, to go to Galilee.
Joseph and Mary were GOOD people. The immaculate conception is such an unfortunate blasphemy – Jesus was, biologically, genetically, the ‘son’ of Mary and Joseph, but the whole thing didn’t go down like you hear in the movies.
King Herod asked me and two others to go find the birthplace of Jesus/Yeshua – he has been told the “king of the jews” was going to be born and he had a conniption fit about that – I was the one who brought gold – HELLO! – the other two brought dried sap that had been bled from trees and smelled good while burning – but that’s how Gabriel knew who to give the scrolls to – Since Yeshua was the ninth, the last one of us to get here, his arrival was … special. When the 7th Emperor asked me to be the one to go make sure the arrival went as planned I was honored, but mostly just so excited to see my old friend. If I had known then what was going to happen to him, I am not sure I would not have acted foolishly, selfishly.
Jesus was born in a stable, and laid in a manger, and no one was looking for a king to be born at that place, that night, no one. #2, who had been studying trade routes as an Egyptian Sheep Herder, was there. I was there, with the two buffoons, who were convinced, by me, I have no need to apologize, they were weak men.
But the menacing greys had to show up – springing a whole sub-story about the star of Bethlehem, which was really just three bright planets lining up close – because it is their nature to interfere and seek attention. Bringing gifts of crystals, they were allowed to present and leave, as the 7th Emperor had given them permission, but I was sure to have them gone within an hour. I wanted to stay, but I was told to leave and return to Herod and concoct a story before I got there. I didn’t fear Herod, but I tried to spend as little time in his presence as possible. Truly evil people can have adverse affects on my energy. - Joseph was again given a message, in a dream, to go to Egypt. Number 2 escorted him there and the rest, as they say, is history!